• Mollie’s Bookstore 茉莉二手書局

    Mollie’s Bookstore 茉莉二手書局

    You can find their store locations here. I went to both NTU and also the underground one. The NTU location was much much bigger. The kids section was about two whole walls and it was … overwhelming… LOL! They had everything from picture books to chapter books and their selection of “manga” was really really…

  • 信義誠品店 Eslite XinYi Bookstore

    信義誠品店 Eslite XinYi Bookstore

    We went to the largest bookstore in Taipei today. It’s more like a department store/ bookstore. Absolutely gorgeous… I was so excited to visit the kid’s section only to find their chapter books… were not complete. I took some photos nonetheless. This place huge! It’s a whole building of books from adult to baby but…

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