Book Review: 月亮莎莎 系列 Isadora Moon

Age: 6+ (with Zhuyin and Parents)

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月亮莎莎 (1-4): Isadora Moon Books 1-4

月亮莎莎 (5-8): Isadora Moon Books 5-8

This is a cute set of books great for readers that know Zhuyin. Each book is probably about 3000-4000 characters with Zhuyin (that’s an estimate). The language is easy to understand as is the story. This set is translated from the English set Isadora Moon. The stories are about a girl who is half vampire half fairy and the first book is when she has to decide what school she wants to go to: fairy or vampire.

These are not scary at all (if you’re thinking about the vampire part). At first I thought it would appeal to girls only but after my little one read it, I’ve found it will appeal to boys too so try to ignore the pink.

Each book is a quick read. It’s great practice for those that don’t want too much “idioms” at first but want a longer book for bridge reading.

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